For more than a decade, our team at Metis Soft Tech has been committed to helping businesses achieve their objectives. As a technology agency that places high value on integrity and excellence, we are devoted to this purpose.

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SEO-optimized websites that drive results


Your website design can make or break your business.

If your current website isn’t converting visitors into leads and customers, it’s time for an upgrade.

What impression is your website making now?

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How often do your website visitors become customers?

Be Unbeatable in Your Market

An outdated or hard-to-navigate website can frustrate users and drive them to your competitors.

At Metis Soft Tech, we specialize in custom website design that turns visitors into leads and customers.

We make sure our websites feature an engaging design and intuitive navigation that provide a seamless user experience. Ready to see the difference?

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Drawing from our extensive expertise across various industries, we have gained valuable insights that allow us to provide exceptional value to our clients.

Engage, Connect, and Convert

Websites That Drive Action

At Metis Soft Tech, we don’t just build websites; we create tailored online experiences designed to elevate your brand and engage your audience.

Whether you need a responsive e-commerce platform, a WordPress site optimized for SEO, or a custom digital storefront, our solutions are crafted to meet your specific needs while preparing your business for future growth.

Dive deeper into our services or get started today to transform your online presence.


Here’s what is included in Metis website design and development services:


Using the latest in UX/UI design, Metis team crafts unique websites that tell your brand's story in a compelling way.


From front-end design to back-end system development, our team ensures your site is scalable, fast, and seamlessly integrated with any CMS.


Our website designs are optimized for every device, ensuring optimal user experience. Your website will load flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.


Our websites are optimized for top performance. We will help you rank higher and attract more traffic with strategically implemented keywords.


We offer comprehensive content creation services to populate your new site with original, engaging, and optimized content.


Designed to convert, our sites focus on user engagement and effective call-to-action placements, turning visitors into customers.

Custom Website Design


Our pricing starts at $3,000. During our initial conversation, we’ll discuss your business needs and goals and follow-up with a personalized quote and timeline.

More About Website Design with Metis

Content Management System

Our website designs are flexible to work well on effective content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Shopify, or Magento. We focus on one platform to serve clients better. Discover why WordPress is one of the go-to website-building platforms for large and small businesses and how it will benefit your company for years.

Why Choose Us

Our approach to website development is designed to be more all-inclusive than our competitors, whether you are based in Chicago, across the country, or around the world.

Website Design Process

We want you to know what to expect from the first phone call to the website launch. This multi-step process is proven to keep the project on track for everyone.

Become a Client

Tell us a little about your business, goals, expectations, inspiration, and what success looks like to you. When you’re ready to move forward and become a client, this questionnaire will get us started.


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